#11,12,13. Burlington Vermont

Foam Brewery post Polar Bear Plunge

Long time, no see guys! Sorry about the lengthy hiatus there, I’m back in school now which takes up the majority of my time to be honest. There are bright sides to the situation though, like have access to a whole new region full of new breweries to explore so stay tuned for that! This time around we’re traveling all the way to Vermont. A few weekends ago my girlfriend and I took a quick trip to Burlington which is the perfect city for breweries. It’s a place that is overflowing with creativity as well as a surplus of fresh local ingredients that make it a brewery haven. Solely for time’s sake (I have class in an hour and I started writing this last Monday) I’m going to lump my Burlington Trip into one post so stick with me here.

That is enough catching up, let’s get to the beer! Oh boy have I missed trying copious amounts of new beers. Being TheBookBoy just isn’t quite as fun as being TheBreweryBoy. The first brewery we visited in Burlington was Foam Brewers which I think is the perfect name for a brewery, especially for one as eccentric as Foam. The folks over at Foam Brewers make crazy, beautiful beer that goes hand in hand with the nicely scrambled together artistic look of the whole place. I had two beers while we were there and the first one that you’ll see above is their “Lost Heads” triple IPA. If I’m being totally honest this is one of the best IPA’s I’ve ever had and believe me I have put quite a few down. It has a really present citrusy flavor and the classic IPA hop taste without the usual bitter aftertaste. “Lost Heads” also packs a punch with a wild 10% ABV.

Hey, you should drink this one.

The beer above is worth it’s own trip to Burlington. I mean it, get in your car right now and head to Vermont. The lovely, brown stout you see above is Foam’s “It’s Time to Wake Up” which is a collaboration with Brio Coffeeworks. It is brewed with Costa Rican, vanilla, rum soaked coffee beans, cocoa nibs, and lactose. “It’s Time to Wake Up”has an in your face coffee and chocolate flavor which is what you want in a breakfast stout but what I think is truly amazing about this one is the texture. Not something you’re going to hear me say often but this beer is smooth and delicious all the way through. Even the head tastes like chocolate and has the consistency of chocolate mousse. I would seriously just take a glass of the foam its that good. Foam Brewers should definitely be on your must see list when in Burlington.

We were bound to do this eventually and the time has finally come to dive into the world of cider! Cider was my first love really and I think it ticks all of the boxes that beer does. There is still tons of dedication and love put into cider so it would be a shame if we just skipped over a good cider when we find one. Which is what brought us to Citizen Cider while in Burlington. Citizen was such a cool place to hang out, cider aside. Cute taproom with room for you and all your friends where you can fill up on good cider, play a board game or just joke with some old friends. If you are somebody who is as crazy about cider as I am about beer then Citizen Cider has all of your bases covered. Of course they have your standards like a plain apple cider and rose but they have a few great experimental ciders as well. Such as the “Tree Tapper” which is brewed with local maple syrup, “The Lake Hopper” brewed with hops as kind of a beer/cider hybrid, or the “Tulsi” that is made with holy basil. Overall Citizen Cider is a lovely place to spend some time so check it out if you’re in town.

The final brewery of our Burlington Trip was to Zero Gravity which is a favorite of several people I know. Zero Gravity tends to stick to the straight and narrow path unlike Foam which was definitely an out of the box brewery. I don’t fault Zero Gravity for that though because their beer was very good, I especially like the ConeHead IPA. There is nothing wrong with being a master of the basics. If you like beer of any kind you’ll enjoy Zero Gravity, they make the standards and they make them VERY well.

The beer is good but what really makes Zero Gravity stand out in my opinion is their graphic design which might sound like a weird thing to say about a brewery. Today is a day of firsts, earlier I was talking about the lovely texture of foam and now I’m blabbing about design but trust me. Just pull up the zero gravity website if the photos above aren’t enough to make you understand what I’m talking about. The designs of the beer logos and cans are mesmerizing, I can’t get over it. Every single one of them just instantly make me want to buy a six pack. Each of the cans are beautiful little works of art and that definitely deserves a shout out. Make sure when you visit Zero Gravity to try a beer or two instead of just staring at the cans though, you won’t regret it.

There it is, another three breweries in the books! Burlington is full of breweries and there are so many more to see so I’m sure there will be a round two to this post. Once again thanks for sticking with me, sorry I didn’t go into as much detail as I normally no but of course you can always contact me on Facebook, Instagram, or shoot me an email if you have further questions about anywhere I visited. If you’re thinking about seeing what else these breweries have to offer check them out at zerogravitybeer.com, citizencider.com, and at foambrewers.com!

That is it for today guys but I’ll try to see you sooner rather than later but until then thank for reading as always! Special thanks to Mackenzie Mortensen for always reading and nagging me to get this one done!


Austin Davis

The Brewery Boy.

#10 Council Rock Brewery (Come for the Food, Stay for the Beer)

We made it to the double digits!!! Ten breweries, ten flights and if you don’t mind we’re going to do a little math. If each of those flights have four 5oz beers that means The Brewery Boy has tried roughly 200 oz of the best craft beer in the area! Brewery #10 is one you guys have been recommending since day one and I’m glad I waited because Council Rock Brewery in Cooperstown has a character all it’s own unlike any other brewery we’ve visited so far. If I had to describe it I would say Council Rock is country kitchen, meets grandma’s house, meets German brew house. Prost Grandma!

FestBier, Vienna Lager, Wings of Darkness, Leatherstocking Brown Ale, and Sunken Island Scotch.

There are a few layers to dig through here at Council Rock but I’m going to start with my expertise and that is the beer! Lets pour a glass and dive right into beer number one, the FestBier!

Das est Mein FestBier

Council Rock’s FestBier comes in with an ABV of 7.4% and as far as flavor goes this one is all malt. If you’ve ever been at a brewery while they’re in the process of brewing there is a really distinct bakery like smell and that is exactly what this tastes like. The name really fits though, the FestBier is definitely a great beer to fill a stein with and enjoy with a side of bratwurst.

“Das est Gut”-The Brewery Boy

Next up is the Vienna Lager. Think of a really good Oktoberfest but a little lighter on the malty flavor. Overall, a really good beer and one taste instantly transports you to your favorite Biergarten. You’ve got your lederhosen on, a stein in your hand and life is gut. The Vienna Lager was my favorite that I tried at Council Rock, it’s really well made and the flavors are perfect for the style in my opinion.

Wings of Darkness 5.9 ABV

We’re going to stay in Germany while we give the Wings of Darkness a try. This one is another German style called the schwarzbier which is similar to a porter but not quite as thick. There is less of a chocolate/coffee flavor and more a black tea taste which is what separates the flavor of a schwarzbier for me. Credit to Council Rock too because schwarzbier is another style that I think is cruelly under utilized and they nailed it!

Leatherstocking Brown Ale 5.6 ABV

Council Rock Brewery has made one of the better brown ales I’ve tried as well! The Leatherstocking Brown Ale sticks with the bold malty flavors that you’d expect when drinking a brown ale but it avoids the bitter, liquor-like aftertaste that you can get in some other versions. I’m not the only one that likes it either, the Leatherstocking Brown Ale was the winner of a silver medal at Tap NY in 2017. A must try for sure, especially if you want to spread your horizons beyond the endless pale ales and IPA’s. The Leatherstocking Brown Ale is different and the flavors are great.

Sunken Island Scotch 11.2 ABV OUCH

Our last beer at Council Rock Brewery is their Sunken Island Scotch. With and alcohol percentage of a whopping 11.2 this is Council Rock’s attempt to drop you to the floor and I love it. They had to cross the original ABV of 10% to jack it up a bit to 11.2 because you know, why not? The Sunken Island Scotch bites like a cold Scottish winter and as expected you can taste that alcohol. However its paired with an amazing malty raisin flavor that reminds me of a warm loaf of raisin bread. This one isn’t for everyone but I personally really enjoyed it and I’m sure that if you were in the middle of a windy Scottish winter then a glass of the Sunken Island Scotch would warm you up in no time!


Today’s “View from Your Beer” features something more beautiful than the rainbow of fall leaves, the peaceful views and sounds of a rolling river, or the most expertly constructed piece of art. Of course I’m talking about the unrivaled beauty of FRIED PICKLES. Seriously though, the food is what separates Council Rock Brewery from the rest. It’s their own flavor if you will.

Several people that have told me to visit Council Rock did so solely because of the food, not because of the beer. Not only does the interior of Council Rock look like Grandma’s kitchen but it tastes like it too. Don’t get me wrong, the beer is good here but the food is what draws everyone in. Council Rock was packed and everyone was eating, drinking and having a great time while exploring Cooperstown. The menu includes a wide variety of salads, sandwiches etc but one item was the unanimous favorite. I wasn’t able to try them but they serve garlic pesto fries which are the reason some people go to Council Rock. They drive to the brewery solely for garlic pesto fries so I imagine they’re incredible. Realistically The Brewery Boy would eat anything covered in garlic and pesto so I’ll be back for those any day now.

Council Rock Brewery is certainly different from any of the other nine breweries I’ve visited so far. There is a real Grandma’s kitchen look which makes Council Rock feel familiar and cozy. It tastes like grandma’s kitchen too if your Grandma had a kettle of bier brewing in the closet. It’s interesting to see the individual style and strengths that every brewery puts on show and it just so happens that their food is one of Council Rock’s strengths. The beer is great and I love the German influence but the food really seems to be the real star here. I’f you’re on the beverage trail and need a lunch break this is the place to be. Or if you’re like me and nothing sounds better than a craft beer with a side of fried pickles then this place is also for you. Overall Council Rock Brewery is a wonderful place to be so you should definitely stop in, no matter what you like!

If you would like to get your hands on some good beer and garlic pesto fries you can find Council Rock Brewery at 4862 State Highway 68 in Cooperstown or at councilrockbrewery.com! That is the end of our visit to Council Rock and brewery #10, here is to 10 more!


The Brewery Boy.

#9 16 Stone Brewpub (16 Stones will Break my Bones, but Beer will Never Hurt me.)

Welcome back everyone! I have a great one for you guys today and I’m super excited I finally made it to 16 Stone Brewpub in Holland Patent. A few people have been telling me about 16 Stone and I’ve been trying to squeeze it in and they definitely did not disappoint. Everything from the newly renovated taproom, the folks behind the bar, the folks at the bar, and of course the beer are exactly what I want from a brewery. They make a wide variety of beer that is sure to please everyone and they serve it up with a quirky creativity that sets them apart from other breweries. Before we dive into the brews I want to talk a little bit about the brewery itself because like I said it was newly renovated in January and it looks too good not to talk about. Very much like Red Shed and Ommegang you get transported somewhere else as soon as you come into the doors. The outside is a little inconspicuous but that doesn’t represent the interior at all. It’s a little on the dark side, with all of the stone and wood that gives it a cozy pub feeling. There is art on the walls from a local artist as well as a really cool mural behind the stage featuring a band of demons entertaining the bar patrons that makes 16 Stone a unique place to be. 16 Stone Brewpub felt kind of like a metal Irish Pub if that makes sense and I loved it. A metal Irish pub is The Brewery Boy’s ideal setting really.

Satan’s Den Inferno IPA, Patrick Sayze, Trash Panda Stout, Thundertaker, Moonlight Sun.

The Brewery Boy loves a beautifully decorated bar just as much as anyone but we’re all really here for the beer so lets dig in. As I said earlier they brew a wide array of beers here at 16 Stone so you are sure to find something you enjoy especially since they’re all brewed so well. Of course if beer isn’t your thing there is wine available and a variety of 1911 ciders including the fall release of cider donut (which is great mixed with a Guinness similarly to a Black and Tan).

I was able to try five beers while at 16 Stone so lets talk about beer number one which was their Satan’s Den Inferno IPA. This beer is actually a hybrid of sorts, it is a mix between an IPA and a beer they used to brew called Duchess of Dank which is a darker brew. Let me just say that the Satan’s Den Inferno might not be for everyone but this is The Brewery Boy in a glass. This one tastes how I want beer to taste, its crisp and juicy like an IPA but sharp and bold like a darker ale. Also the name really speaks to my punk nature that I haven’t been able to outgrow. Satan’s Den Inferno IPA is creative, tasty and really a perfect representation of what 16 Stone Brewpub is like.

Beer number two was the Patrick Sayze which is 16 Stone’s take on a saison. Don’t let the name worry you there is nothing dirty about this one but too many pints and you’ll be dancing (I’m so so sorry, that was bad). Jokes aside Patrick Sayze is sure to be a real crowd pleaser with anyone. It’s close enough to a pale ale but doesn’t really shy away from some interesting craft beer flavors. There is a specific flavor that I can’t quite pin down, kind of like a fruity cucumber? Very interesting and very good.

Next up is a stout named after those mischievous little garbage bandits that we all love to hate, the raccoon! The Trash Panda Stout here at 16 Stone Brewpub is Smokey in your face. If you closed your eyes the Trash Panda Stout tastes like an open fire. The flavor is excellent but there is a bitter aftertaste which could be sort of unpleasant. However, I liked it and if you’re a stout fan I would still give it a shot for sure.

The next beer was probably my ultimate favorite here at 16 Stone and that would be the Thundertaker. Like many of the beers here there is somebody or an event behind the name and the Thundertaker is named after the bartender that day who is actually an undertaker for his day job. My first reaction to this one was an audible “Oh damn this one is good.” They describe it as an IPA but its unlike any I’ve tried before and I like to think I have a pretty comprehensive knowledge of IPA’s. Maybe its the Australian hops but the Thundertaker is juicier than any other IPA. There is an incredible fruit undertone to it and that is what makes it for me. The Thundertaker is a must try even for those that aren’t fans of IPA’s. The undertaker that the beer is named after isn’t a huge fan of IPA’s either which is why they brewed this one with Australian hops to tone down the bitterness and ramp up the sweetness. I’ll be bringing friends to 16 Stone Brewpub just to try it.

Our final beer at 16 Stone was their Moonlight Sun which is a witte very much like the varieties brewed at Ommegang and Copper City. Moonlight Sun leans more towards the Copper City Style but with more of the nutty wheat flavor and less orange peel. I really like this one though, you can rarely go wrong with a witte and I think 16 Stone nailed it. Witte is probably the style that grows on me the most the more I try, they’re all so similar but have they’re own distinct characteristics at the same time.

Also sorry for the lack of pictures this time! I was either so enthralled by the beer and conversation that I forgot or the Trash Panda stuck in and stole them? I honestly have no clue. Here is a picture of my dog, Porter to make it up to you! He is a dog named after a beer so technically it still counts

Porter! Named after the liquid black gold from his home country of Ireland.
VIEW FROM YOUR BEER. Patrick Swayze and a raccoon in the same place? Perfect

There is some weird stuff going on here at 16 Stone Brewpub, in a good way so I wanted to show you a little bit of that character for this week’s “view from your beer.” Just look at the names and art work they associate with each beer and you’re sure to have a good laugh. It’s obvious there is some quirky creativity flowing through this place, everything from the beer names to the artwork is uniquely 16 Stone.

16 Stone Brewpub has what it takes to bring you in and keep you there. The renovations give the brewery a clean polished look but it keeps the comfortable friendly feeling that you want in any brewery. Like I’ve said before, the people behind the breweries are what make this whole project for me and 16 Stone is an ideal example of that. It’s blatantly obvious how much the folks at 16 Stone love this place and how much of their hard work and character gets poured into everything, not just the beer. Which is great by the way, everything I had was top notch and different from others I’ve had. I will be bringing my friends here, its just that type of place. I want to put down a few, laugh a bit, and catch up. You should stop by too! My visit to 16 Stone Brewpub was tons of fun and it will be for you as well!

If you’re sold and want to start planning your trip, you can find 16 Stone Brewpub at 9542 Main Street in Holland Patent or on their website at 16stonebrewpub.com.

Brewery #9 is in the books and we’re getting close to seeing every brewery in my general area. I think after we hit double digits I’ll get to spread out through NY State which is going to be a whole new chapter. I’m interested to see if you can see and taste the difference between different regions. I guess we’ll find out soon but until then thank you for reading!


The Brewery Boy