#5 The Friends Pub Milano

Good news! I’m unexpectedly back with another post straight from Milano Italy! My friend Sam and I were trying to get over our jet lag this afternoon so we decided to burn some time in an Irish Pub of all places before dinner (Which was Authentic Naples Style pizza). We saw that The Friends Pub Milano was only about a fifteen minute walk so we went for it and man did it pay off. Not only was it a strangely accurate Irish Pub but they also brewed two of their own beers which of course got me fired up.

The Friends Pub In Milano’s version of the IPA

In the photo above was the first of their two beers which was an IPA. It was very good and similar to what I would expect from a nice IPA in the states. If anything it went above and beyond expectations because of the powerful hoppy flavors that it captured without having the bitter aftertaste that some IPA’s suffer from.

The second beer that they make at The Friends Pub In Milano is the Mystery Beer above. To be perfectly honest we both had to have about two pints of this because, one it was soooooo good and two we couldn’t figure out what fruit they had used in it. It was very obviously there and a major part of why we both enjoyed it so much but we just couldn’t place it. I’m assuming this excessive tasting session is what made us both forget what the name of the brew was, whoops. Ignoring all of that though this was a beer unlike any we have ever tried before, it was light, malty, strong but not bitter. It also had this incredibly subtle fruit flavor that we both determined was probably pear? Not entirely sure though because we went through orange, lemon, and apple before we landed on the pear flavor. Anyway I wasn’t expecting to have such a one of a kind beer experience in Italy, let alone on our first day so I’ll make sure to keep you guys posted. In the meantime thank you so much for reading as always and I’ll see you at the next one!


Austin Davis

The Brewery Boy.