#8 Cooperstown Brewing Co (You don’t like baseball and beer? That’s just un American)

Falls is in full swing and I couldn’t help traveling back up into Cooperstown to see the leaves and of course to see another brewery!!! With the arrival of fall and post season Baseball (Go Yankees) I figured there was no better place to be than at Cooperstown Brewing Co in Milford NY. The Cooperstown Brewing facility was originally a milk plant responsible for producing cheese but now they’re pumping out brews and good times instead. Your trip to Milford will be well worth the journey as Cooperstown Brewing Co offers a wide array of drinks that are sure to please everybody. Everything from your standard pale ales and IPA’s to ciders and shandy’s. If you’re trying to complete the Cooperstown beverage trail and this is just one of your many stops, Cooperstown Brewing Co has a unique tasting system that lets you choose how many you want to try. Have you already had five shots at the Cooperstown Distillery, five beers at Ommegang, and five glasses of wine at Bear Pond Winery by noon and aren’t sure if you’re even in NY still? Try one or two! Maybe you have a blog where you need/want to try them all? Go for it! Your flight can be as big or as small as you want because each beer is a dollar. No matter how many you choose to try I’m sure you will find one you like. Like I said earlier Cooperstown Brewing Co makes a wide variety of beers some that are more of a home run than others but there are no foul balls here.

My attempt to summon more beer. I didn’t work.

If you do happen to be on the beverage trail then chances are you’ll be stopping at Cooperstown Brewing Co right after Brewery Ommegang which I think gives Cooperstown Brewing Co a boost. Ommegang beers are strong, and a little out of the norm but Cooperstown Brewing Co makes down to earth beer that people are going to be more familiar with. They’re good too so lets dive right in!

Bambino, Nine Man, Pride of Milford, Pumpkin Ale.

If you haven’t guessed by now, Cooperstown Brewing Co is ALL about the baseball so you will be seeing some references both in their beer and in the brewery itself. The first beer I tried; The Bambino, is actually named after Babe Ruth himself. Bambino is a traditional American ale very much like a yuengling or a Budweiser. Much like baseball itself this beer is as American as it gets, its familiar, smooth and easy to put down.

Nine Man

Now I’m a soccer guy myself so I’ll admit I had to google this but guess how many players are on the field for a baseball team? Nine, who would have known! Nine Man beer at Cooperstown Brewing Co takes a quick trip over the pond from the American lager Bambino. Nine Man is a traditional English pub ale which is very similar to the Bambino but with a little more of a floral IPA taste. Nine Man is still refreshing and sure to please all of the players on your team no matter how many there are.

Pride of Milford!

Our third beer at Cooperstown Brewing Co is the Pride of Milford which is old English ale. Personally I love old English ales and I think they’re cruelly scarce from many breweries. They’re thick, malty and usually pretty generous with the alcohol content, plus they tend to put a really great image in my head. You know when you hear stories about pirates, knights, fairy creatures like hobbits and dwarves, Robin Hood etc having a pint at the tavern? I instantly think there is a beer very much like the Pride of Milford in those glasses. The Pride of Milford tastes like the beer you would drink before an adventure! Think about that the next time you have an english ale. If it’s good enough for Bilbo Baggins and King Arthur then its surely good enough for you! In all seriousness though the Pride of Milford is great and I would recommend this beer over any other at Cooperstown Brewing Co.

Pumpkin Ale because its fall baby!

Once again ITS FALL FINALLY so how could I resist their Pumpkin Ale? Disclaimer before we dive into this one, I am not a fan of pumpkin beers. Honestly its an ingredient that I have never liked and wouldn’t be too upset if brewers just gave up on it all together. However I actually enjoyed the Pumpkin Ale here at Cooperstown Brewing Co. It’s not as “in your face” as other pumpkin ales that tend to taste like liquid pie. The pumpkin flavor is defiantly there but it doesn’t overpower the overall flavor of the beer. It’s subtle and I think it will please a lot of people. Also they put honey and cinnamon sugar on the rim which actually works pretty well with the beer. The honey rim doesn’t work well with a beard though, I swear I was covered in honey the rest of the day.

That is all of the beer I was able to try at Cooperstown Brewing Co but they do offer a wider variety including some IPA’s, darker brews, soft drinks and some guest beers. One of which is a killer Raspberry Shandy that I would recommend to anyone especially somebody that isn’t to excited about beer.


Play Ball!!! Or Cornhole I guess. For this weeks “View from Your Beer” I wanted to show you guys the back room of Cooperstown Brewing Co which is all decked out in baseball style. They’ve put in a lot of work since the last time I was here, granted the last time I was here I was in the process of being crushed by the Cooperstown Beverage Trail so my memory was close to non existent. I can imagine this is the perfect place to hang out and watch your favorite baseball team. They even offer post season drink specials!

Cooperstown Brewing Co has been around for some time now and they’re well established in the area for making great down to earth beers with an always expanding variety. If you’re in the Cooperstown area whether its for the beverage trail or the baseball history this is a brewery that is well worth the stop. Swing by and hit a tasting, its sure to be a home run here at Cooperstown Brewing Co!

You can find the Cooperstown Brewing Co at 110 River St in Milford NY or on their website at CooperstownBrewing.com!

Brewery #8 is in the books! I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am so far. As always thank you for reading and I’ll see you at the next one!


The Brewery Boy.

#7 Crazy Williez Brewery (We’re all Crazy here, I’m Crazy, you’re Crazy, Willie is Crazy)

Hello again and welcome back to another brewery! This time we’re taking another short drive up the hill to Crazy Williez Brewery in Ilion NY. Crazy Williez has been around for two years now and it is a real hidden gem that I’m excited to share with you guys. It’s another small farm brewery that is big on ideas and hospitality. Here at Crazy Williez they put their heart and soul into making genuinely great beers and getting them to you in a friendly fashion. Visiting this brewery is like going to your best friend’s house if your best friend made killer beer. It is that killer beer that made Crazy Williez stand out to me so lets pour a glass and dive right in.

Our flight today that includes the Cucumber Cream Ale, Not Just and Otter Ale, Udder Delight Milk Stout, and the Blueberilicious Blueberry Saison.

My first taste of Crazy Williez beer was their Cucumber Cream Ale and surprisingly it is outstanding. Cucumber is one of those ingredients that I would probably never put into anything other than a salad but I’ve had a few Cucumber beers now and they really work. If this sounds a little too crazy and you’re on the fence about it then trust me. Give it a try and you won’t regret it. The cucumber adds a crisp, cool and refreshing aspect that sets these beers apart and the version here at Crazy Williez Brewery is the best one I’ve tried. A must try for sure.

Not Just an Otter Ale

Next up is their Not Just an Otter Ale which is a beer that I’m having a really hard time describing so bear with me. The Not just an Otter Ale tastes like a hybrid that is somewhere in between an IPA and a Pilsner? Basically if a New England IPA and Pilsner had a baby. When you take a sip the juicy and hoppy flavors of an IPA are there but instead of the bitter floral finish there is more of a crispy bread like taste that you usually have in a Pilsner. Bit of a strange one but it is still a good beer regardless.

Udder Delight Milk Stout (hehe, get it? They’re crazy here)

It’s all uphill from here in my opinion, the next three beers are getting close to the best I’ve had on this journey so far. The beer that you see above is their Udder Delight Milk Stout that comes in with an ABV of 6% and it packs all the delight of a stout without the drawbacks. The Udder Delight Milk Stout is thick, creamy and when you drink it the chocolate and coffee flavors are really easy to find. I’m not going to lie Crazy Williez Brewery makes one of the best stouts I’ve had. The flavors in that mason jar are perfect for a cold fall night, as a side to a hearty winter stew, or to enjoy while writing a beer blog. Like a lot of the brews on offer here this one is a must try.

Blueberilicous Saison.

Crazy Williez Brewery definitely thinks outside the box and the Blueberilicuous Saison came from outside the box for sure. Everybody that you bring to Crazy Williez is going to like this one. It has a great fruity flavor that is going to bring your wine and cider drinkers on board but enough of that classic saison flavor to keep your beer drinkers from jumping ship. Also a fun fact that I learned from my bartender, a traditional saison is brewed with white sugar but to keep their ingredients local Crazy Williez uses 15 pounds of local honey instead. Overall the Blueberilicous Saison has the perfect blend of sweet, sour, and hoppy that is sure to make anybody happy here.

The Spoony!

I’ve saved their flagship beer for last because no visit to Crazy Williez Brewery would be complete without a taste of the Spoony. Before I can talk about the beer itself I think the strange name needs to be addressed so buckle of for a quick story!

The legend Spoony itself!

The little white spoon that you see in the picture frame is named Spoony and it has gone on quite a journey. Spoony was used by one of the brewers to stir the original batch of Spoony Beer but by a strange turn of events it was dropped and left in the batch throughout the whole brewing process. Spoony survived the journey and to celebrate it’s adventures the folks here at Crazy Williez name the beer after Spoony and gave it it’s own spot right here at the bar. A legend that rivals the likes of The Hobbit, The Iliad, Robing Hood and Harry Potter.

Spoony the beer is as good as the legend. It is described as a Pilsner but it’s not like any Pilsner I’ve had before. Yes, you can recognize that classic Pilsner taste but the Spoony also has the tang that you would expect from a sour. Interesting in a good way and not a brew that you’re going to find at another brewery.


On this week’s addition of “View From Your Beer” I have a little bit of History to show you guys. A lot of breweries are like a mirror of the people that build them and the locations and communities they’re located in and Crazy Williez Brewery is a good example of that. These tall, wide timbers that you see on the right wall there are actually repurposed from an old sugar shack that was located on the property. Personally I think it would be really cool if they made a tribute beer to that history by incorporating some maple syrup into a recipe. That would be sweet! (So so sorry for that one).

There is one last thing that I would like to add before moving on. I was never aware of this until the bartender told me about it and I figured I would spread it in case this is something anyone would be interested in. Crazy Williez Brewery participates in an organization called Harvest Hosts which are attractions like wineries, breweries, museums, etc that allow people to park their RV’s overnight at no additional cost. Crazy Williez has had people all the way from Oregon stay at the brewery this summer and its a great way of giving these RV campers a place to stay while also spreading local business. If you want to know more you can go to www.harvesthosts.com.

Some breweries like Saranac and Ommegang seem inescapable, their adds and images are everywhere you go. Smaller breweries like Crazy Williez can fall through the cracks and that is a borderline crime in my mind. The beers that they make here are top notch and if you are a beer lover Crazy Williez Brewery should be on your list of must visit breweries. Like I said earlier its like visiting your best friend’s house but with amazing beer. The atmosphere, the people and of course the drinks make Crazy Williez a perfect place to pour a glass, sit back and have an incredible day.

If you would like to pay them a visit you can stop by Crazy Williez Brewery at 546 Silver St in Ilion NY or on Facebook of course to keep up with everything they do.

That is all from our visit to Crazy Williez Brewery so I will see you guys again at brewery #8. As always thank you so much for reading! If you want to keep up with everything the Brewery Boy is doing follow me on Facebook and Instagram @Thebreweryboy.


The Brewery Boy.

#6 Heelpath Brewing Co. (All Paths Lead to Beer)

All paths lead to beer but this one specifically leads to Heelpath Brewing Co

Sorry about the hiatus but we are finally back at a brand new brewery right in my back yard! The Heelpath Brewing Co. just recently opened to the public in the Frankfort Marina which is only about a five minute drive from my house. One of the things that is most exciting about the craft brewery revolution thats occurring in this area is the diversity of the communities where all of these breweries are sprouting up. You would never visit Frankfort NY and pin it as a craft beer destination yet here we are! Heelpath Brewing Co was not founded for the artsy hipster generation that is usually associated with the craft beer scene. Instead Heelpath was started by and for the blue collar working class people in this community. I’ve visited the brewery twice and both times it was full of teachers, police officers, board members, etc. from this community. For me its really encouraging to see the variety of breweries expand to reach more people and I think Heelpath Brewing Co is an excellent new addition.

Belgian Ale, Chinook IPA, Rye Porter, Oatmeal Stout.

Alright lets talk beer! We’re going to be super comprehensive today too because I was able to try every beer that is currently available at Heelpath Brewing Co so no mysteries here. The first brew I was able to try was their Belgian Ale so lets talk about it!

Heelpath Brewing Co’s Belgian Ale comes in with an ABV of 6% which is the highest of the beers brewed here at Heelpath. Its a little low for a Belgian Ale but I don’t think that hurts it at all, I actually really liked this one. There is a really great fruity, candy flavor to it that makes it really refreshing. This is a bit weird but smell your glass after you’re done too because I swear it smelled exactly like dark chocolate. I’m talking about that rich 99% cocoa dark chocolate too (Which is The Brewery Boy’s favorite believe it or not). The Belgian Ale was probably my second favorite beer at Heelpath Brewing Co. so I would try it for sure when you visit.

Next up is the Chinook IPA which is a something I wasn’t familiar with so I did a little bit of research. Get ready for a beer lesson, we’re learning together here on this brewery journey. Chinook is actually a type of hop that is often used in IPA’s (imagine that) and is responsible for the beer’s bitterness and flower-like aroma. The chinook hop tends to give a beer a pine and grapefruit flavor which you definitely notice in Heelpath’s version. A lot of breweries tend to go a little crazy with their hop varieties when brewing IPA’s so I actually appreciate that they tried to focus on the flavor of a specific variety.

We’re getting darker and we all know how I feel about that. Especially as the weather starts getting darker and colder so does my choice in beers. The third beer on my trip down the Heelpath was their Rye Porter which is a good, smoky, easy to drink porter. Nothing extravagant, just simple and tasty.

The last beer on the flight was the Oatmeal Stout. As we’ve established I am crazy for stouts, the darker the beer is the better. My friend who I took with me to Heelpath Brewing Co is the same way and this one caused a lot of debate for us. Neither of us were personally a big fan, we decided the alcohol content and the flavors were a little weaker that we would expect from a stout. However after talking to a few other people at the bar I came to the conclusion that this just isn’t a stout that was made for dark beer lovers like me. Several people we talked to said “this is the first stout I’ve ever liked” which made me think this is simply a really good gateway stout and if they can get more people into dark beer then thats fine with me. I’ll take that as a win!

Beer number six for me here at Heelpath Brewing Co was their IPA. With a slightly higher ABV and I think a wider variety of hops than the Chinook IPA, Heelpaths IPA is very well done. Its exactly what you would expect, its served up cold and refreshing with the crisp, bitter taste you want in an IPA.

Finally, beer number 7! This wasn’t on purpose but I’m pretty sure I saved the best for last. The brew above is Heelpath’s American Session Ale and If I were to recommend any beer at this brewery it would be this one. Are you guys ready for another beer lesson? Good, because this blog post is brought to you by google. I was curious why they would name it the American Session Ale? Apparently the term “session” when you’re talking about beer is used to describe a beer with a low alcohol content. The idea is you can drink more of these beers in a session and not get drunk, okay we’re done with fun facts today I promise.

“Thanks for listening class!”- Brewery Boy MD (More Drinks?)

Anyway the American Session Ale has the slight aroma and taste of nuts and honey. Its like a pint glass full of liquid honey roasted peanuts and I loved it. Both myself and my brewery partner agreed this was the definite winner at Heelpath Brewing Co so if you stop by I totally recommend the American Session Ale.

If beer isn’t your thing you can also order a few different varieties of cider from 1911 which is always a good choice or one of the many wines from Rustic Ridge that is available at the brewery. Both are companies in the upstate NY area that make incredible wines and ciders that you should try even if you’re there for the beer.

“View from your beer” not too bad at all.

This weeks “View from your Beer” is a great one. The folks over at Heelpath Brewing Co have puts tons of work into their property which includes a nice outdoor space with this view. The location in the Frankfort Marina is perfect, in the picture above you can actually see where the Mohawk River meets the canal. Do you want beer with a side of wildlife? You got it! I guarantee if you spend just five minutes out on the Heelpath patio you’ll see a fish or two jump from the water, hear the birds sing, maybe even see something a little more rare like a blue heron.

Seeing the heart that people put into these breweries is the driving force behind this journey for me and its very clear to me that the people here at Heelpath Brewing Co have put in a lot of work to bring this brewery to their community. I’ve now had every beer they make and its obvious to me that the brewers have put in the work too and really know what they’re doing. I would say though I think they could afford to be a little bolder. Heelpath has an incredible facility and impressive brewing chops but in my opinion they could use a beer with a higher ABV and a little more creativity to separate them from the rest of the pack. I couldn’t form my thoughts at first until I had somebody describe their beers as “safe,” and I think that is spot on. As a whole though Heelpath Brewing Co is a great addition to Frankfort and the New York brewing scene and I have no doubt they will grow and succeed!

If you’re in the area stop by Heelpath Brewing Co at 122 Marina Park Dr in Frankfort NY or on Facebook of course. They are actually have their grand opening this weekend as well on October 5th from noon to 10pm. There will be live music, giveaways, the best grilled cheese ever served up by Southern Girl Food Truck and of course BEER. What more could you want?! Who knows maybe The Brewery Boy will be there!

Well that is brewery number 6 in the books! See you at the next one but until then, Cheers!

The Brewery Boy.